Undangan Keluargo

Sunday, March 18, 2012

         Assalamualaikum wr. wb,

untuk keluargo besakku, 
kito nak ngadoken acaro reuni keluargo besak kito.
galo-galo kito usahaken dateng.

acaronyo dilaksanoken :
     Tanggal/Hari : 15 mei 2020/ rebo
     Tempat           : restoran apung, palembang 

taste this, love this .

Thursday, March 8, 2012

            yeah this is my third posts, in this post i would like to share some of ... yaaa kinda like hobby but that's not it.
k, start then.
 If you ask me about ''what is the thing that i love the most'' . i can't answer that, because there's so much- lot of the things that i love, so that's impossible that i could explain that for just one wink of the eyes.
if we wanna talk about this topic completely, that will never gonna reach the end of the story.
i love so much of things, the things are not only consist my activity but also about my idol and others.
k then, i'll tell you one-by-one and step-by-step.

okay for the first step i'll tell you about my fav. activity.
  • first of all, i would like to introduce you to my sweet-lovely activity.
-what is that?-
-guess what?-
that most lovely activity is sleeping
     Sleeping is really important for our body and healthy, besides this activity will recover us from all of our fatigue and stress.
every-time if i have any spare-time, the first activity that i will do is sleeping.
      For me, i always get so much of fun from this activity ,because i can run away to my ''other'' life- if i go to my sleep. 
even mahatma gandhi said “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
     Sometimes we are so tired to face our boring-monotous life, right? yeah this is one of the thing that will help you to cure it, and the time that you awake is the new beginning of your life.

The Tragical Incident of Tugu Tani

Monday, March 5, 2012

       Afriani Susanti, a 29 years old- irresponsible driver-women.

she was messing around with the public as a murderer in one of the biggest incident in indonesia lately.
she hit a dozen of pedestrians at tugu tani-central jakarta ,with her xenia  B 2479 XI, till her car crushed.
Nine of the victims were dead and the rest of them were had serious injury .
she drove the car when she was drunk and under the influence of drugs, even she has no driver’s license or a valid vehicle registration and only a photocopy of an expired registration document. 
she drove her car really fast ,it's about 100 km/hour- and finally because of her 'fly' condition she couldn't control the car even to stepped on the brake.

and this is the tragical situation of the victims after that big incident.

